Female faculty teaching in front of students who are seated at desks.




“A university is only as strong as its faculty. We will strive to attract a group of faculty who are both talented and diverse, who are or will be leaders in their fields, and who are committed to both outstanding research and outstanding teaching.”
UVA's 2030 Plan

The University has adopted the Interfolio Faculty Search tool to facilitate an easier and more transparent salaried faculty search process for committee members, administrators, and applicants. This online applicant tracking and recruiting system supports the secure collection of application materials for viewing and discussion by search committees.


Required Training Before Serving on a Search Committee

This training will acquaint you with policies, procedures, and resources related to the recruitment and selection of faculty, staff, and healthcare professionals at the University and University Medical Center. You will also learn about how bias can adversely affect a search and about the practices the University has developed to mitigate those potential effects.

Search Committee Bias Mitigation Workshop

In this one-hour participatory workshop led by Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Development Jennie S. Knight, faculty involved in faculty searches learn research about the ways that biases can impact evaluation of candidates (even in spite of our best intentions) and about evidence-based practices to mitigate against those impacts. We discuss how search committees can best structure their search processes to create a positive, inclusive experience for all candidates and to hire the candidate best qualified for the particular position.

Interfolio Training Videos

Interfolio Training Resources

Interfolio Help Articles
For Search Committee Chairs/Administrators

For Committee Members

For Candidates

For School/Unit Leaders

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: I’m a new Interfolio administrator; what now? 

Answer: If you are new to Interfolio, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the resources available on the Provost’s Office’s faculty search web page, facultysearch.virginia.edu. There, you will find training videos, frequently asked questions, an Interfolio user guide, a list of School/Unit Interfolio Leads, and more. 

We also recommend that you contact your School/Unit Interfolio Lead to request your school or unit's faculty search process map, list of Interfolio position approval steps, and any other school-specific resources they may have. 

Question: Why won’t my position move forward in the approval process? 

Answer: The most common reason a position does not move forward in the approval process is that nobody has been assigned the title required to complete the next step. 

Approval steps vary from school to school, but all UVA approval steps have been configured so that the title of the person who needs to complete the action is at the beginning of the step name. So, if your school has “Department Chair: Review and Approval” listed as a step, an Administrator in your school unit must have the title “Department Chair” in Interfolio so that they can receive and approve that step. 

Please note, if your school has a “Search Chair” approval step, the person responsible for that step must be given the Administrator user role AND the Search Chair title in lieu of the Committee Manager user role. 

If you are responsible for the “Administrator Reviewer” steps in your school, unit, or department, remember to assign that title to yourself. 

For more information on user roles and titles, visit Interfolio Product Help. If you are unsure of your school’s approval steps, check with your School/Unit Interfolio Lead, a list of whom can be found on facultysearch.virginia.edu. 

Question: When can committee members see candidates? 

Answer: For search committee members to begin reviewing and evaluating candidates: 

  1. They must be added to the position as committee members. Visit Interfolio’s Product Help for step-by-step instructions. 
  2. The status of the position must be set to Reviewing Applications. The Reviewing Applications status should be set after the candidate pool has been validated, and the status should be set by the person responsible for that validation. For more information, visit our About Interfolio Position and Candidate Status Guide.

Question: What happens to positions created in Workday before July 17th?

Answer:  Faculty searches created in Workday before July 15th will stay in Workday until the position is filled.

Question: Will all faculty searches move to Interfolio? 

Answer: Interfolio will be used for all salaried faculty searches. Faculty wage searches will still be conducted in Workday.

Question: What should I do if the supervisory org changes during the search?

Answer: Once your search is in Interfolio, any changes to the supervisory org must be made in Workday, preferably before the candidate's status is changed to "Offer Letter Signed - Send to Workday" in Interfolio. Please contact your recruiter for assistance.

Question: How do I do open-rank searches?

Answer: As with supervisory org changes, changes in rank must be made in Workday. Once you know the rank of the position, contact your recruiter for assistance.

Question: What is the best way to track positions with multiple seats?

Answer: For faculty positions that have been approved for multiple hires, the recommended practice is to add the number of approved seats in the Hiring Plan section of the Position Notes. When initially creating a position, this can be done by clicking the Edit Position button, scrolling down to Position Notes, then editing the Hiring Plan field.

To edit the Hiring Plan field after the position has been created:
From the Positions page, click the name of the position Click the Position Actions button, then Edit Position Scroll down to Position Notes, then edit the Hiring Plan field

To view notes:
From the Positions page, click the name of the position Click the Position Actions button, then select View Position Details

Interfolio does not limit the number of seats that can filled in a position. When managing searches with multiple hires, schools/units must monitor how many seats have already been filled to avoid exceeding the number approved by the Provost’s Office. To see how many seats have already been filled:

From the Positions page, click the name of the position Click the Filter button, then filter by Applicant Status to check for candidates that have been hired or are in the offer letter process.

Question: How do Recruiters support the faculty search process?

Answer: There are several ways in which Recruiters support faculty searches. First, they assist in ensuring the job requisition gets into Workday, which, through an integration, transfers to Interfolio. Recruiters are then available to assist with writing the posting and/or validating for accuracy. Once the posting is complete, they publish the position in Interfolio. The position will automatically post to all the same places that did in Workday. If you need additional advertisement, the Recruiter can also help to ensure that is done.

After the posting period expires, Recruiters review applicants for minimum qualifications. Then, they notify the school/unit that the candidate pool is ready for validation and review. Recruiters then regularly check the candidate pool for new applicants, review for minimum qualifications, and notify the school/unit.

After a finalist has been selected, Recruiters assist with the offer letter process, which differs from school to school. The Recruiter can help draft and review the offer letter or, in the School of Medicine, await the workflow to complete. Once the letter is finalized and has internal school approvals, the Recruiter routes the offer letter for signatures in DocuSign. Once the letter has been signed, the Recruiter will upload the executed contract to the corresponding Workday requisition and move the candidate of choice forward to background check.

Question: What information goes into the record of a faculty search?

Answer: Archived search records include any written record related to recruitment and hiring for a position:

The job description, including qualifications and internal position notes the evaluation criteria/hiring rubric all applications, resumes, cover letters, and other documentation submitted by candidates any interview questions, interview notes, and other evaluation materials all notes, comments, tags, and annotations made in Interfolio, including those made while the “blind review” feature was active any digital or hand-written notes made outside of Interfolio any correspondence, including emails/written communication with the candidates, letters of reference, references, and notes from reference checks emails and written communications between search committee members.

Question: What is the difference between user roles and titles in Interfolio? 

Answer: User roles determine what level of access a user has to faculty searches, reporting, and settings within Interfolio. Users can be assigned one of three roles: Administrator, Committee Manager, and Evaluator. All users MUST have a user role, and by default, new users are given the Evaluator role. A detailed list of user role capabilities can be found on Interfolio’s Product Support site. 

Users with the role of Administrator can also be assigned a title, such as Dean or Department Chair, in the unit they administer and all units below. Assigning titles is a crucial step that schools/units must do before conducting searches in Interfolio, as the flow of the position approval steps is based on titles. If no Administrators are assigned the titles that correspond to the approval steps, the position will not be able to move through the approval steps in Interfolio. Users with Committee Manager and Evaluator roles cannot be assigned titles. 

Question: My school/unit has given position approval steps to search committee chairs in Interfolio; do they need to be given the Administrator user role? 

Answer: While search committee chairs are typically given the Committee Manager user role in Interfolio, if they have been given approval steps in your school or unit, they must have the Administrator user role AND be assigned the title that corresponds to their approval step. Note that while users with the Committee Manager user role cannot see other searches beyond the department to which they are assigned, Administrators can see all other searches in the school or unit in which they are an administrator. 

When creating a search committee within a position, users with Administrator and Committee Manager roles can be added as a manager (search chair).

Administrators may choose to remove the user’s search chair title after the approval steps have been completed. This might be done to avoid confusion when there are positions needing approval from different search chairs or to limit that user’s access to other searches. In these instances, best practice is to also change the user’s role to Committee Manager.

Question: Should unit administrators create new units in Interfolio?

About Interfolio Position and Candidate Statuses

Interfolio uses two types of status assignments as part of any faculty search, position status and Candidate status.

Learn more about position and candiate statuses and how to use them.

UVA Interfolio User Guide

This Interfolio guide is provided in Word format so that users may update it to reflect the faculty search process in their school or unit.

Download Guide

Additional Resources

For "How-To" Questions, We Recommend These Additional Resources:

Interfolio Scholar Services

Interfolio representatives are available Monday through Friday:

By telephone at 877-997-8807 from 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM U.S. Eastern Time

By email at [email protected], monitored 5:00 AM – 10:00 PM U.S. Eastern Time

Interfolio Office Hours

Interfolio Help Articles

Interfolio Self-paced Learning Modules (includes clickable software simulations):

Unit Administrators

Search Committee Chairs

Committee Members

For Questions About the Faculty Search Process

School/Unit Interfolio Leads

Interfolio Leads have been named by their school or unit’s leadership to serve as a resource for Interfolio questions, support, and administration. School/Unit Interfolio Leads have additional learning and support materials, including faculty search process maps and documentation. They can also schedule a consultation with the Interfolio project team. 

School/Unit Interfolio Leads
Contact School Email Address
Jaime Satterlee Architecture  
John Comazzi Architecture [email protected]
Alison Levine Arts & Sciences [email protected]
Katie Schmitt Arts & Sciences [email protected]
Raj Seneviratne  Education [email protected] 
Cathy Broaddus  SEAS [email protected] 
Jennifer Kirkham SDS [email protected]
Heather Cullop  McIntire [email protected] 
Chris Elliott  McIntire [email protected]
Diddy Morris Law [email protected]
Amy Fitzgerald Darden [email protected]
Jennett Murphy Batten [email protected]
Sue Loving Nursing [email protected]
Savanna Galambos Biocomplexity [email protected]
Michelle Palma Zometa SCPS [email protected]
Carla Lee Library [email protected]
Francene Meade Wise [email protected]
Abbie Salcedo School of Medicine [email protected]
School of Medicine Interfolio Super Users

In the School of Medicine, these super users are the go-to Interfolio resources for questions about the system and the hiring process. For support, contact the super user that represents your unit or department.

School of Medicine Super Users
Name Email Department
Amanda Harris [email protected] Anesthesiology; Dentistry - plastic surgery; Dermatology; Emergency Medicine; Family Medicine; Neurology; Neurosurgery; Obstetrics and Gynecology; Ophthalmology; Orthopaedic Surgery; Otolaryngology; Pathology; Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery; Surgery; Urology
Helen Norfleet-Shiflett [email protected] Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics; Biomedical Engineering – MD; Cell Biology, Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology; Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics; Neuroscience; Pharmacology; Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences; Public Health Sciences; Radiation Oncology
Kate Schoenster [email protected] Medicine-Medicine; Medicine-General, Geriatric, Palliative and Hospital Medicine; Pediatrics; Radiology and Medical Imaging


For Additional Questions

Contact the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs